Becoming a foster carer…
SAS foster carer Rebecca
Many people think it would be too hard to be a foster carer as eventually you have to let your little rescue go to their new home. While it can be a bit sad at first, for the most part, foster caring is very rewarding. We could not survive without our network of foster carers and the more carers we have the more pets we can save. Each time you say good-bye to your foster pet, you will know what great work you have done as, on many occasions, the scared pet who came to you is then a more confident and reassured one that you are now sending off to a new home. Sometimes a safe, loving, caring environment, with occasional gentle discipline, is all that is needed to transform these little beings. You will feel proud that you have made a difference.
What is involved?
Firstly, at SAS, we welcome every offer to foster care for one of our rescue pets - whether it be a “one-off” offer or ongoing. When we receive a request to foster care, we contact you to discuss your housing situation, lifestyle and other furry friends you might already have. We endeavour to match foster carers with our available rescued pets - we would never give a pet to a carer if they didn’t feel adequately equipped to look after the rescued pets’ needs for exercise, or training, etc. Subsequently, we will send a representative to your place for a home-check, which is just to ensure your place is secure - our team can spot potential escape points a mile away. After that we wait to match you with a new rescue.
What does SAS provide?
SAS foster carer Dhanushka
We provide initial vet checks, collar, harness and leash, as well as bedding - and when we receive donations of food or toys, it is divided between all our carers. We will also provide any necessary medication, flea control and worming tablets. Any medical issues that arise while in foster care are taken care of by our rescue vet at Beverly Hills but if transportation to and from the vet is a problem, we are on hand to help.
What do you need to provide?
Part of foster caring does mean providing food but aside from that you only need to give them some much needed TLC, exercise, guidance and a trusting, caring environment. The effort pales in comparison to how much they repay you with joy.
Click here to register for foster care or for more information